Sunday, July 29, 2007

Keeping an Eye on our Kids

This past week there was a report (and much-forwarded email thread) that there was a near-abduction of a 2-year old child in a local Mastermind store on Yonge, north of Lawrence. It's the kind of story that scares the heck out of every parent, and makes us all a little more suspicious of the world in general.

I'm happy to report that the near-abduction was over-exaggerated. Thanks to Carole and Amanda for bringing the following Globe and Mail article to my attention:
"E-mail exaggerated toy store 'attempted abduction,' police say"

By the time the e-mail went out, the incident had ballooned into an ''attempted abduction,'' orchestrated by a possible member of a ring of pedophiles.On Tuesday, a group of parents received an e-mail from a friend, warning them about an incident that took place last week at a Mastermind toy store in the Yonge-Lawrence neighbourhood. According to the sender, an older man had attempted to snatch a two-year-old at the store.

The rest of the article is here.
I apologize for unwittingly sending out false news; thank goodness that the report was overblown, and I'm relieved no child was in real danger. But I still learned an important lesson: Keep an eye on your kids.

- Kim

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